Located near the station along Rokugo-dori Shopping Street!
Waterproofing of the rooftop is planned!

Hatagaya Store Building


Property basic information

Property No B-0530
Property name Hatagaya Store Building
Property type Store
Address 2-9-20 Hatagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

Keio New LineKeio Line Hatagaya Station < 5mins


3 minutes walk from Hatagaya Station on the Keio New Line

Check timetables and station information on Jordan

Basic trading information

Selling price ¥538,000,000
Estimated Property Tax ¥1,247,085
Estimated Property Tax (Land) ¥125,658,430
Estimated Property Tax (Building) ¥23,675,600
Sale unit Whole Building
Situation N/A
Surface yield 4.77%

Room information

Property information

Building area 485.37 m²
Story Reinforced concrete structure with flat roof, 3 stories and 1 basement
Construction period 1982/06 (42yrs)
Building structure Reinforced Concrete
Total units 5
Parking None

Land information

Land area 179.53 m²
Use area Neighborhood commercial districts
Use area② Category 1 residential districts
Land rights Ownership
Building coverage ratio 80%
Building Coverage ② 60%
Volume rate 300%
Floor area ratio② 300%
Land notes

Landscape Law, Aviation Law, Law Concerning Promotion of Low Carbon Cities, Semi-fire prevention area, 20m Type 3 Height District, Shadow Regulation (①5-3h/4m, ②4-2.5h/4m)

Handling company

Operating company J&F Plaza
Telephone number 0364550360
Email info@jafplaza.com