J&F Plaza 暮らしの手続き
1.光熱費、水道について (Utilities)
In case of general apartments, when you move in, all utilities(electricity/water/gas) are cut off.
Therefore, each tenant has to contact utility companies and sign the contract right after moving-in.
There is a case that the foreign-oriented real estate companies like us call them instead as one of the services.

2.電話 (Phones)
(1)電話 (Phones)
NTT Docomo、KDDI AU、Softbankの3社です。大型電気店や専門ショップにて携帯電話を購入することが可能です。各社によって金額やプラン、機能が異なりますので事前に調べてから購入して下さい。なお、契約時には電話会社によって必要な物があります。学生証、 国民健康保険証、 銀行預金通帳、印鑑、 パスポートなど。詳しくは電話会社にお問い合わせしてください。
There are three big cellular companies in Japan: NTT Docomo, KDDI AU, Softbank. Cellular phones/plans can also be purchased at large electronic shops and specialty shops. There are different plans and services offered, it is recommended to research beforehand. Documents such as student card, national health insurance card, bank book, name seal, etc. are needed for making a cellular service contract. However, it may vary by company. Please contact the cellular companies directly for detail information.
(2)国際電話 (International calls)
直通で国際電話をかけるには、国際アクセス番号 + 国番号 + 地域番号 + 電話番号の順にかけます。国際アクセス番号というのは、国際電話をかけるときに国番号の前にダイヤルする番号です。日本から外国にかける場合の国際アクセス番号は、001(KDDI)か041(日本テレコム)を使います。外国から日本にかける場合は、その国の国際アクセス番号をダイヤルします。
To directly make an international call dial (International access code)+(Country code)+(Area code)+(Phone number) in order. International access code is a number you dial before country code. If you call a foreign country from Japan, international access code is 001 or 0041. If you call Japan from a foreign county, dial international access code of the country.
3.銀行の手続き (Banking)
(1)口座を開設する (Opening an account)
When opening an account you must first of all fill in the “Application for Saving Accountform” with the following information:
Name, address, and the amount you will be depositing that day.
The counter with a “go-shinki(New Accounts)”sign is the one where you can open a new account.
You will need to stamp the appropriate spot with your Inkan(seal). If you do not have an Inkan, the bank may accept your signature.
The following are required when opening a bank account:
a. ID such as yourresidence card oand passport.
b. Your personal Inkan(seal) if you have one (not always required for foreign residents).
There are various kinds of IDs you can use when opening an account. They are a driver’s license, health insurance card, company ID, school ID, Certificate of Seal, passport, and residence card. If the address stated in your driver’s license is different from your current address or if you don’t have driver’s license(if you present your ID except for a driver’s license), other documents which prove your current address will be required. Resident’s card, utility’s bill or receipt (within past 3 months) with your current address.

When you open your savings account, you can also apply for a cash card, which allows you to use an ATM (Automatic Teller Machine).
(2)ATMの使い方 Using an ATM
It is convenient to have a cash card because you can use an ATM with it. Also, it basically enable you to use ATM for 24 hours(There is a case that ATM would be closed because of year-end vacations or depending on banks)
4.在留カード (Residence-card)
The aim of theresidency management system is to enable the Ministry of Justice to continuously keep information necessary for managing the residency of foreign nationals residing in Japan for the mid-to long-term with resident status, and ensure greater convenience for those foreign nationals.
(1)3ヶ月以下の滞在許可を与えられた者(Persons granted permission to stay for 3 months or less)
(2)時訪問者」ステータスを付与された者(Persons granted “Temporary Visitor” status)
(3)「外交官」または「公式」の資格を与えられた者(Persons granted “Diplomat” or “Official” status)
(4)上記(1)~(3)の外国人に相当する法務省令で定める者*(Persons recognized by Ministry of Justice ordinance as equivalent to the foreign nationals in the aforementioned (1) to (3)*)
(5)特別永住者(Special permanent residents)
(6)在留資格のない者**(Persons with no resident status**)
This system will apply to mid- to long-term residents in Japan, such as those married to a Japanese national as well as Japanese descendants (”nikkei”), whose status of residence is “Spouse or Child of Japanese National,” “Long Term Resident,” etc., those working for an employer in Japan, whose status is “Engineer,” “Specialist in Humanities/International Services,” etc., as well as technical interns, students, and permanent residents. It will not apply to those visiting Japan for a short period of time as a tourist.
The Ministry of Justice ordinance specifies staff of the Japanese office of the Association of East Asian Relations and the Permanent General Mission of Palestine in Japan who have “Designated Activities” status, and their families.
While illegal residents can be registered under the present alien registration system, they cannot be registered under the new residency management system. Any foreign national illegally staying in Japan is advised to immediately visit the nearest Regional Immigration Office and follow the necessary procedures. For more details, please see the “Information on Procedures to Follow at Immigration Offices(http://www.moj.go.jp/ENGLISH/index.html)” on the Immigration Bureau of Japan’s website.
5.郵便局 (The post office)

(1)郵便物を送る Sending mail
Ordinary letters placed in a public mailbox are collected by a post office clerk.
Collection times are listed on the side of the mailbox.
When you send parcels, you can either take them to your post office, or telephone the post office and have them picked up at your home.
You can send money by a postal money order or transfer it into your recipient’s postal account. Also, you can send cash by registered mail, but only within the country.
A postal account can be used like a bank account. You can deposit and withdraw your money at any post office in the country, and make account transfer payments of public utility charges such as gas, water, electricity and telephone.
6.印鑑 (シールSeal)
A personal seal is used in Japan for the same purposes as a signature is used in other countries. Types of seals include regular personal seals used for confirmation and registered seals used for important official documents.
To make your financial life easier in Japan, it is recommended that you obtain a personal seal(Hanko).
Seal registration is to register the imprint of your seal at the City Office. The registered seal is called Jitsuin. After registration, you can request a Certificate of Seal Registration if necessary. The certificate proves that the document with your registered seal is legal, and is required when when signing important contracts involving the leases or loans, etc. To obtain this certificate, bring your Seal Registration Document(Card) to the Residents’ Division of the City Office or a branch office.
7.健康保険 (Health insurance)

In Japan, one of your greatest worries may be “what do I do if I get sick?”Japanese doctors and hospitals are expensive . Visiting a doctor for a simple cold or flu is likely to cost you \5,000. If you are hospitalized for an appendicitis, it is likely to cost hundreds of thousands of yen. Because of these high prices, it is difficult for any individual to afford doctor fees on their own. To ensure that people can receive medical treatment without worry, everyone who lives in Japan is legally required to join one of the public health insurance plans.
The Health insurance system is intended to reduce the high cost of health care. Once you have enrolled in the national health insurance program, you will pay only 30% of the doctor’s fee if you get sick or are injured. The rest of the fee will be paid for by your insurance. Everyone who lives in Japan is legally required to join one of the public health insurance plans.
Foreign students as well as foreign residents who are going to stay for more than 3 months must enroll in the National Health Insurance Program if they are unemployed or not enrolled in a worker’s health insurance program at their place of employment.
Foreigners who are not going to stay for less than 3 months, visit Japan for diplomatic matters and have designated activities for medical purpose(including accompanying members) can not enroll in it.
Foreigners who can enroll in National Health Insurance must have Certificate of Alien Registration and his/her period of stay must be more than a year. Therefore, a foreigner who stays for a short term or for sightseeing only cannot enroll.
Insurance enrollment is conducted at the city offices where you live. First, go to the National Health Insurance Dept. of the same office where you registered your name as a foreigner. The insurance fee varies depending on your income and the area you live in. Also, there are autonomies which support foreign students in reducing the cost of insurance. For more information, contact your company or the National Insurance Dept. of the city office in the area you live.
J&F Plaza 引っ越し
1.引越し (When moving)

(1)新居での手配 Utilities and Registration
Contact each utility office. Because most offices do not have English speaking staff, we recommend that you ask a friend who can speak Japanese for assistance.
Apply for a Residence card and an official change of address.
Open a bank account and officially change your address with your bank.
④運転免許証の住所変更 Change the address on your drivers license
To change the address on your driver’s license, go to the local police office of the area where you now live.
(2)挨拶 (Greetings)
It is a good idea to greet the landlord and neighbors when you move in. First impressions in Japan are very important. In times of emergency it is your neighbors who will help you the most. Also, if you have a good relationship with your neighbors they are less likely to complain about noise and other disturbances.
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こんにちは | kon-nichiwa | Hello |
ごめんください | Gomen-kudasai | Excuse me, but is anybody home? |
はじめまして | Hajimemashite | Nice to meet you. |
よろしくおねがいします | Yoroshiku onegai-shimasu | I'm pleased to make your acquaintance. |
わたしは**です | Watashi ha (****)desu. | My name is (****) |
ありがとう | Arigatou | Thank you |
すみません | Sumimasen | I am sorry |
おげんきですか | Ogenki-desuka | How are you doing? |
げんきです | Genki-desu. | I'm fine thank you. |
どういたしまして | douitashimashite | You are welcome. |
ひっこしてきました | Hikkoshite-kimashita | I moved into *** |
(3)入居時の修理 (Repairsbefore Youmovein)
Before moving into an apartment that has had previous tenants any severe wear or damage will have been repaired, however this does not mean that the unit will have been completely refurbished with new tatami mats, sliding doors, wall surfaces, paint, etc... Contact your real estate agent immediately if you have any questions about repairs when you move in. Please note that a request for repair work can only be accepted if the problem is reported without delay.
2.室内清掃 (Taking care of your new home)
(1)新築住宅の湿気 (Humidity)
Due to the relatively high humidity inside recently built housing, you should take extra care to avoid mold buildup. On sunny days it is best to air out rooms and allow the walls, closets,storage, etc., to dry out.
(2)結露 (Condensation)
梅雨の時期や冬に暖房をすると壁に水滴がつきます。放置するとカビが発生しますので、乾いた布でふきとったり、ワイパーで取り除くと共に換気を行います。 特に北側の部屋・押入には注意して、通風を良くするようにしてください。
Heating in the winter may cause drops of water to condense on the walls and give rise to mold. Be especially careful about condensation in rooms and closets on the northern side of a building. Keep these rooms well aired out and wipe away any condensation droplets that may form with a dry cloth.
The climate in Japan is warm and humid. During the rainy season and the summer, humidity is higher, and during the winter the use of heaters causes condensation on windows and walls. If this condensation is not dealt with properly, mold will follow. If you notice condensation in your room, wipe it up with a dry cloth and ventilate the room well.
As the insides of oshi-ire(closet) are also prone to condensation, ventilate them well. During the rainy season and winter, opening both fusuma a bit at the edges helps keep an oshi-ire’s(closet) interior dry.
3.ゴミ (Garbage)
Sort your garbage into combustible and incombustible trash, and put each out in the designated place on the appropriate collection day.
Do not leave garbage on the veranda or in other places where it might cause a nuisance to neighbors by attracting insects, giving off odors, etc.
Do not, under any circumstances, throw garbage or water from a balcony or window, in the corridors, on stairs, etc.
Don’t put large sized rubbish such as furniture and electrical goods where you put out the daily garbage. In order to dispose of such items you must phone the waste management office and arrange for their disposal. Another way to get rid of these types of items, is to selling them at a secondhand shop.

4.騒音 (Noise)
Sound travels through a concrete building more easily than you might think.
When you have guests, refrain from raising your voices loudly.
At night, footsteps in the hallway, people going up the stairs, voices heard through open windows, and doors opening and closing sound even louder. Noise late at night in particular can disrupt your neighbor’s sleep. Ensure that you do your part to maintain a quiet environment.
Remember that the sound of a child jumping up and down reverberates quite loudly in the unit below. Vacuum cleaners and washing machines tend to be quite noisy and may bother your neighbors. Try to use them between 8 o’clock in the morning and 9 o’clock at night.
騒音防止の工夫(Some devices for soundproofing)
Try spreading a carpet over a wooden floor and put on slippers with soles made of soft material such as felt.
Put a book shelf or wardrobe against walls that adjoin neighboring units.
Set your TV or audio equipment away from the wall, or not to put them directly on the floor.
Cover the feet of your chairs with fabric or rubber caps.
If you are concerned about the loud noise your closing door makes, paste polyurethane tape on the door frame. Not only is it soundproof, but it also fills the gap between the door and the frame, providing insulation.
Try wrapping rags around drainpipes to prevent the sound of water flow.
Place a sound dampening mat under the washing machine.
J&F Plaza 部屋の使い方
1.玄関 (Entrance hall)
Please be sure to put a nameplate outside your front door.
There is no master key for the housing units. Take care not to lose your key. If you do, the lock will have to be replaced at your expense.
The floor of the entrance hall is not waterproofed. Do not pour water on the floor under any circumstances, even when cleaning.
Do not wedge anything under your front door to keep it open, as this may warp the hinges and make it impossible to lock the door.
Be sure to place a name card on your mailbox in the common mailbox area to ensure correct delivery.
If your name is not indicated on the mail box, a postman will be uncertain of your residence. Do not fail to put your name on the mailbox. If you live with your friend(s), please put all the names.

2.台所 (Kitchen)
Never put garbage down the kitchen sink as it will block the drain. Used Cooking oil can also block the drain as it hardens. Do not pour oil down the sink.
When you are done cooking, please thoroughly clean the kitchen area immediately afterwards.
If spilt oil is not properly cleaned up, it will turn into oil stains or grease spots. Once they get to this point they are nearly impossible to remove.
Make it a habit to wipe the kitchen area clean each time you finish cooking. This simple habit is the most effective way to control what could easily become a messy kitchen.
You may not remodel or redesign the balcony in any way for your own use. You may not, for example, enclose it with window sashes to make it into a small room, or use it for storage of any sort.
The care of the balcony is your responsibility, as a tenant. Be careful about rust. If you put potted plants on a balcony, for instance, water or mud from the plants could cause damage.

4.リビング (Living room)・・和室(Washitsu)
“Washitsu “are rooms which use Japanese “tatamimats” for flooring.
Tatami mats are easily damaged by moisture and dust. Wet and/or dusty tatami can attract ticks or other bugs, so take care to keep the tatami clean and well aired.
Ticks and bugs are more likely to be attracted to tatami covered with mats or rugs.
If tatami gets dirty, you can clean it by gently wiping it with a cloth soaked in diluted bleach. Use another cloth to wipe it try. Since tatami is sensitive to moisture and molds easily, try to keep windows open as much as possible.
5.風呂 (Japanese bath)
風呂の入り方 (Taking a bath, Japanese style)
Although the bathing ritual varies from home to home, the following is a typical example of how you should bathe:
At first, briefly rinse with water
Get in the tub.
Wash thoroughly while standing outside of the tub.
Return to the tub, and soak until you’re warm
Dry off completely.
After you’ve finished bathing, leave the water in the bathtub when you go.
銭湯の入り方 (Using a Public Bath) |
![]() ①まず、服を脱いで、服と荷物をロッカーに入れて鍵をかけます。鍵はなくさないようにします。 Place your clothes and things in a locker, and be sure to lock it properly. You should keep the key with you the whole time you are in the bath house. ②湯船に入る前に身体を洗ってください。 Before you get into the bathtub, wash hair and body at the washing area. The bathtub is only for soaking, not for washing your body. ③洗い場で下着とか洗濯はしないようにしてください。洗い場からでるときは、身体を拭いてからでます。 Do not wash clothes or underwear in the washing area. |
銭湯の入り方が分からない時の日本語表現 (Asking for help in Japanese) |
銭湯の入り方を他の人にたずねる時に使います。 I don’t know how to use a public bath. 「sentou no hairikata ga wakarimasen。oshiete kudasai。」 |
(1)ガス Gas
Inadequate ventilation, gas leaks, or incomplete combustion pose a danger of carbon monoxide poisoning.
When you move in, have the gas company send a serviceman to open the main gas valve in your unit, check for leaks, and explain the precautions you should take when using gas appliances in order to prevent accidents.
(2)水道 Water
If the water will not stop running in the kitchen, toilet, etc., or if you notice that a pipe is leaking, turn off the main stopcock in the meter box, and then contact your local office, etc.
If water is cut off while you are running the faucet, turn it off immediately.
If you forget to turn off the faucet when service is restored, you may flood not only your own unit but also those below. The person responsible for flooding in such cases will be charged for the cost of repairs to the building and will also be required to pay compensation for any damage to other people’s property.
Always ensure that faucets are properly turned off before you go out, and if you are going to be away overnight or longer, turn off the main stop-cock as well.
7.共用部分 (Commonuse facilities)
(1)階段・廊下 (Stairs and corridors)
Do not leave any objects on the stairs or in the corridors. They not only get in other people’s way, but also obstruct evacuation in an emergency.
(2)自転車置場 (Bicycle stands)
Take care to guard against theft and accidents regarding bicycles, as we cannot accept responsibility for theft or other accidental loss of any kind.
If you have a bicycle, etc., that you no longer need, dispose of it properly. Do not abandon it in the bicycle stand.
J&F Plaza 暮らしの安全
1.防犯 (CrimePrevention)
Crimes that tend to occur frequently in multi-household complexes include burglaries while the occupants are out, and sexual assault. You should pay special attention to the following:
Lock up securely, and make use of the peephole and door chain.
Make a habit of keeping closely in touch with your neighbors, let them know when you are going to be away, and so on.
At night, women and children should avoid using the elevators alone.
Be particularly alert if you see a stranger on the premises.

2.火災 (Fires)
(1)日常の注意 (Daily care)
To prevent fires, be careful of the following:
Do not smoke in bed
Extinguish all flames before leaving the kitchen.
Be careful about heating an empty bathtub.
Do not place any combustibles near the gas range (stove).
The hatch and dividing partitions on the balcony serve as emergency evacuation Never leave objects close to a hatch or partition.
(2)消火と避難 (Fire extinguishing procedures)
Small fires can be extinguished by covering them with a wet towel, or covering them with a Futon or blanket and then pouring water on it.
Fire extinguisher is handled as follows. Squirting at fire source is more effective than doing over flames.
①安全栓を引き抜きます Pull the stopper off
②ノズルを火元に向けます Direct the nozzle at the fire
③レバーを強く握ります Squeeze the lever
If a fire breaks out nearby, close your doors and windows to keep out smoke and flames, then dial 119 immediately.
Because smoke (caused by fires) rises, escape in a low position, putting a wet towel or handkerchief to your mouth. Breathe through the wet towel or handkerchief to avoid inhaling the smoke.
3.地震 (Earthquakes)
If an earthquake occurs, do not rush out to the corridor or stairs. Rushing out in a panic is dangerous. Remain calm, and turn off all sources of fire immediately. If a fire breaks out, extinguish it.
Turn off a gas range at the main, oil-heater, electric fittings, and pull outlets off, too.
When you shelter, avoid brick wall and narrow alley, and protect your head and body with a futon and so on.
(1)備蓄の目安 (Emergency supplies)
Keep on hand an emergency supply of drinking water, food, medicine, disaster-prevention articles, etc.

①飲料水 最低でも1人1日3リットルが必要。3日分位を用意すると安心。
Drinking water・・・At least 3L a day per person is needed. Prepare for 3 days.
②食料 米、もちなどの主食の他、副食として缶詰、レトルト食品など
Food・・・Rice as staple diet, cans and retort pouches as side dish
③燃料 卓上用コンロ、予備ボンベ、固形燃料など
Fuel・・・desktop gas range, spare gas cylinders ,and solid fuels, etc...
④照明 懐中電灯、予備電池
Light・・・flashlight, spare batteries.
⑤工具類 のこぎり、バール、ロープ、簡単な日曜大工セットなど
Tools・・・saw, crowbar, rope, carpenter’s kit, etc...
⑥その他 毛布、軍手、カート(ポリタンクや荷物を運ぶ時に使う)、自転車、ドライシャンプー
Others・・・blanket, work glove, cart(to carry baggage), bicycle, dry shampoo, etc...
(2)非常持ち出し品リスト(List of goods to take when travelling during an emergency)
Prepare the following in a backpack
①食料関係 水、乾パン、レトルト食品、缶詰、ナイフ
Food・・・Water, hardtacks, retort pouches, cans and knife
②救急関係 救急医薬品、常備薬、防災頭巾、ぼうし
First-aid kit・・・medicine, hood, cap
③貴重品 現金、印鑑、預金通帳、身分証明書(パスポート、在留カードなど)
Valuables・・・cash, signet, bankbook, ID(passport, Residence card
④衣類等 下着、寝袋、雨具、タオル
Clothing・・・underwear, sleeping bag, rainwear, towel
⑤日用品 ラジオ、懐中電灯、予備電池、軍手、ロープ、マッチやライター、使い捨てカイロ、防塵マスク、生理用品、紙おむつ、ティッシュ、ウェットティッシュ、包装用ラップ、筆記用具、厚手のゴミ袋
Commodities・・・radio, flashlight, spare batteries, work glove, rope, matches or lighters,Body warmers, thermal mask, sanitary napkins, disposable,diapers, tissues,Wet tissues, plastic wrap, stationery, trash bag
⑥その他 底の厚い靴、スリッパ、ホイッスル、入れ歯など
Others・・・shoes with thick sole, slippers, whistle, false teeth
(3)家具転倒防止の工夫 To prevent furniture from falling during an earthquake
Most injuries that occur during earthquakes are caused by furnishings and appliances falling over. Even if a building itself is ok, there are many people who are crushed under heavy appliances and furnishings: refrigerators, large bookshelves, cabinets, etc... It is important to fix interior furniture to be as secure as possible.
Although fixing furniture to the wall with screws is common, you might be prohibited to put holes in the wall because of the lease. The followings are some ways to avoid damaging both furniture and walls.
①転倒防止用ツッパリ棒 (Prop)
You can buy props at furnishing shops, volume sale’s shops, and discount store. Fix them to the ceiling and furniture. Especially be careful about a fridge because it is movable with casters. Also, another way is stuff a box in the gap between the ceiling and furniture. Ceiling boxes are often better than props because a box has a wider area to distribute force. Choose a strong cardboard box.
②家具転倒防止板 (Board)
Lay a board under the front of furniture. It will transfer the center of gravity towards the back and lessen the risk of furniture ‘s falling forward.
③棚のものが飛び出さないような工夫 (To prevent shelves from flying out)
There are times during earthquakes when shelves can fly out of furniture which contains shelves. It is not only dangerous, but can also cause the furniture to fall forward because its center of gravity transfers forward. Therefore, fix the doors of furniture containing shelves with a stopper. There are stoppers with sucker for a glass door and stopper to tape knob.
④照明器具などの吊るしものの補強 (Reinforcement of other appliances)
It is very dangerous if lights, wall clocks, picture frame, etc fall down. Reinforce them by chains or metal fittings, and be careful about the locations where you hang them (over your bed for instance can be dangerous).
4.水漏れ (Leaks)
If water leaks through to the unit below your apartment, you will be required to pay compensation for any damage incurred, not only to the owners but also to the tenants who are affected.
Concrete is quite permeable to water. Even a small amount of water can seep through the ceiling or drip down to units below. The bathroom floor is the only floor in your unit that has been completely waterproofed. Do not pour water over the floors to wash them; this applies not only to the living areas but also to the entrance hall, toilet, balcony, corridor, etc.
5.ガス漏れ (Gas leaks)
ガスが漏れていたら、まず、屋内の火を全部消し、ガス機器の使用を中止し、部屋やメーターのガス栓を閉めて下さい。(LPガスはガスボンベの元栓・器具栓を閉めて下さい。)そして、窓を開けて風通しを良くし、ガスを追い出します。また、至急、販売業者(∗)に連絡し、点検が終わるまでガスを使わないようにして下さい。 ∗ガス会社(都市ガスの場合)か販売業者(LPガスの場合∗)に連絡して下さい。(ガス警報機やガスボンベに連絡先がかかれている場合もあります)
If you suspect a gas leak, extinguish all indoor fires, stop using gas appliances, and turn off the gas valves in each room or meter. (If you are using LP gas, turn off the valves of all gas cylinders/appliances.) Then open the windows to vent any gas. Immediately contact your gas company, and do not use the gas until the company has performed anoverall check. ∗Contact the gas company if you use Toshi gas, or the cylinder dealer If you use LP gas. You may be able to find the phone number on the cylinder or the gas alarm.
In the event of a gas leak, or a suspected gas leak, take care to points 1 to 3.
①Do not pull the plug of the gas alarm.
②Do not touch the switch of any electrical appliances or any outlets.
③Do not turn of the ventilating fan.
LP gas is heavier than the air and gathers low to the ground. Be aware of this, and take care to lift any children or pets out of danger.
6.転落事故の防止 (Fall prevention)
A table or other object placed near a railing may enable a child to climb over and thus lead to a fall. Remember not to place such objects near railings.
7.住宅保険 (Housing insurance)
Housing insurance refers to: 「home fire insurance」「general housing insurance」 and 「tenant insurance」.
Usually, you will be required to purchase insurance when making a lease contract. The following is a description of the various types of insurance you may be asked to purchase.
Home fire insurance・・・This covers any damage to the building caused by fire.
General housing insurance・・・This covers damage to household effects caused by fire, thunderbolt, explosion, leak, robbery, etc…
Tenant insurance・・・This covers damage caused by the tenant, that was due to negligence on the part of the tenant (ex-fires caused by cigarettes, candles, water damage from a leaking washing machine, etc...) If the general housing insurance you enter doesn’t guarantee damage caused by the tenant, you can add tenant insurance as well to your contract.
J&F Plaza 緊急時の連絡
1.110番と119番(110 and 119)
(1)大声で人をよぶ(Use a loud voice to alert neighbors)
If you have an accident or there is a fire you should notify your neighbors and ask for their assistance. Because it might be hard for you to speak Japanese in an emergency situation, you should practice learning the following emergency phrases.
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きゅうきゅうしゃ! | kyukyusya | Ambulance! |
かじだ! | Kaji-da | There’s a fire! |
どろぼう! | Dorobou | Thief! |
(2)緊急時の通報(Emergency contact numbers)
If you need to contact the police because a crime has occurred or there is a traffic accident, dial 110. If you need a fire engine or an ambulance because of fire or sickness, dial 119. Both the police, and fire/medical assistance are available 24 hours.
110 is the number to the Police Headquarter Command Post, and 119 is to the Fire Department Command and Control Center. They will take your call, arrange a police car, fire engine, or ambulance in case of emergency.
You can dial 110 and 119 without coin or phone card from a public phone.
(3)通報のしかた(How to notify the proper authorities)
If there is a traffic accident or fire, the operator will ask for the phone number from which you are calling. If you call from a public phone, the phone number will automatically display on the operator`s phone.
If you call from a cell phone, it is best to inform the operator that you are using this type of phone in case the connection is lost and they need to re-contact you. Also, it is best to not turn off your phone for awhile because the Police Headquarter Command Post/Fire Department Command and Control Center may need to call you later to find out more information about the situation.
2.事故-救急車の利用(119) (Accidents-calling an ambulance・・・#119)
(1)救急車をよぶ(Call an ambulance)
When you need an ambulance because of a sudden sickness or injury, dial 「119」.Speak slowly and calmly.
When you hear the ambulance siren approaching your home it is best to go outside and guide the paramedics to your home and the person who is injured. If you have time it is also best to have your health insurance card and cash ready.
If you are currently commuting to the hospital when you call for an ambulance inform the operator immediately.
(2)交換手と話す∗(「日本語」[日本語発音](英語)) Emergency Japanese∗(「Japanese」[Pronunciation](English))
Speak slowly to the operator, following the chart below.
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しょうぼうちょうです。 かじですか?きゅうきゅうですか? |
Shoboucyo desu. Kaji desuka? kyukyu desu ka? |
This is the fire department. Is there a fire,or do you need an ambulance? |
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きゅうきゅうです | Kyukyu desu. | his is an emergency. |
交通事故です | Koutsu jiko desu. | There has been a traffic accident. | |
ex.)はさまれているなど、できるだけ具体的に言ってください。 ex.)Give as many details as possible, such as, 「はさまれている」[Hasamareteiru]”Someone is stuck.” |
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住所はどちらですか | Jusho wa dochira desuka? | What is the address? |
何市、何区、何町、何番地(何番)何号ですか? | Nani-shi, Nani-ku, Nani-cho, Nan-banchi, (Nan-ban) Nango-desu ka? | Please give the ward(or city) name first, then the town name/number and then the specific banchi number. | |
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X市、X町のXビル前です | X-shi, X-cho, X-biru mae desu. | X City, X cho, in the front of X building. |
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お名前は? | onamae-ha? | Who's calling? |
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私の名前は・・・ | Watashi no namae ha・・・ | My name is・・・ |
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電話番号を教えてください | Denwa bango wo oshiete kudasai. | What is your telephone number? |
3.火事-消防車の利用(119)(Fire-calling a fire engine・・・#119)
(1)消防車をよぶ(Calling for a fire engine)
火事を発見した場合で、初期消火できる場合は、消火を試みてください。(初期消火の仕方は、4.暮らしの安全「(2)火災」参照のこと) 手におえないような場合、また、消火できない場所であれば、「119」通報します。
If you discover a small fire, first try to extinguish it.If this is not possible contact the fire department by dialing 119 immediately.
(2)通報のしかた∗(「日本語」[日本語発音](英語))How to notify the authorities∗(「Japanese」[Pronunciation](English))
Speak slowly to the operator, following the chart below
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しょうぼうちょうです。 かじですか?きゅうきゅうですか? |
Shoboucyo desu. Kaji desuka? kyukyu desu ka? |
This is the fire department. Is there a fire,or do you need an ambulance? |
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きゅうきゅうです | Kyukyu desu. | his is an emergency. |
火事です | Kaji jiko desu. | There’s a fire. | |
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住所はどちらですか | Jusho wa dochira desuka? | What is the address? |
何市、何区、何町、何番地(何番)何号ですか? | Nani-shi, Nani-ku, Nani-cho, Nan-banchi, (Nan-ban) Nango-desu ka? | Please give the ward(or city) name first, then the town name/number and then the specific banchi number. | |
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X市、X町のXビル前です | X-shi, X-cho, X-biru mae desu. | X City, X cho, in the front of X building. |
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何が燃えていますか? | Nani-ga moete masu ka? | What is burning? |
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ビルです。X階建てのビルのX階が燃えています。 | Biru-desu. X Kai-date no X kai ga moete masu. | Building. X floor of X stories is burning. |
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お名前は? | onamae-ha? | Who's calling? |
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私の名前は・・・ | Watashi no namae ha・・・ | My name is・・・ |
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電話番号は? | Denwa bango wo. | What is your telephone number? |
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電話番号は・・・ | Denwa bangou ha・・ | My telephone number is・・ |
4.交通事故(警察110) Traffic accident(Police #110)
(1)交通事故にあったとき(If you are involved in a traffic accident)
If you are involved in a traffic accident or are a victim of a crime, you should immediately contact a police officer in a police car, police box, or police office.
(2)事故確認(Exchange information)
When you are involved in a traffic accident, get the following information from the other party.
・車のナンバープレート(License plate)
・運転免許証番号(his/her driver’s license number)
・住所、氏名、年齢(Address, Name, Age)
・保険会社と保険番号(his/her insurance company name, name, and insurance number)
・電話番号(連絡先)(Telephone number)
Also, write down any witnesses’ names and addresses if there are any.
5.犯罪被害(警察110) Incidents of crime (Police#110)
盗難にあったら(When you have a criminal accident)
If you are the victim of a crime you should immediately call 110, or go to the nearest police station/ police box.
If your bankbook or credit card is stolen, call the bank and/or credit card company immediately to inform them.
Make a list of all the items that were stolen.
6.落し物・忘れ物をしたとき(If you lose your belongings)
If you leave something on the train, report it to the station’s lost and found office.
When you lose something on the street, report it to the nearest police box or police station. Since the police share the same information system, you can get information from any police station or box.
7.交番 Koban(Police box)
(1)交番とは(What is Koban?)
There are police boxes (’Koban’ in Japanese) in each area of Japan. Police boxes are open 24 hours a day.
Koban(police box) and Chuzaisho(a kind of police station) are located throughout each area of Japan. Kobans are mostly located in cities and are open 24 hours. Chuzaisho are located in more provincial areas, and a police officer usually lives with his family in the same area.
(2)交番の役割(Roles of Koban)
The followings are roles of Koban to secure local people’s life.
・管内のパトロール Patrol within the jurisdiction
・犯罪捜査 Manhunt
・少年補導 Corrective training
・交通取り締まり Regulation of traffic
・巡回連絡(管内の家庭や事務所などを訪問する活動)Visit houses and offices within the jurisdiction
・迷子や酔っ払い、痴呆老人の保護 Protective custody of a lost child, drunk, the old who have dementia
・道案内 Guiding
・落し物の届出の受け付け Keeping lost articles
(3)外国語での対応(Service in foreign languages)
When a police officer cannot speak a foreign language, he will call the interpretation center, and the interpreter will speak to the visitor who is looking for assistance. The interpreter will then explain to the officer. However please note that the only way to access the Interpretation Center is via a Koban. You cannot call them directly by yourself.
The interpretation center is open 24 hours a day and has translators for most languages.
110 and 119 is for emergency use only. If you have other questions and problems, contact the nearest police station.