5 minutes walk from the station!

Nishikawaguchi Residence (whole building)


Property basic information

Property No B-0705
Property name Nishikawaguchi Residence (whole building)
Property type Mansion
Address 1-37-18 Nishikawaguchi, Kawaguchi City, Saitama Prefecture

JR Keihin Tohoku Line Nishikawaguchi Station < 5mins


5 minutes walk from Nishikawaguchi Station on the Keihin Tohoku Line

Check timetables and station information on Jordan

Basic trading information

Selling price ¥548,000,000
Estimated Property Tax ¥1,329,969
Estimated Property Tax (Land) ¥49,453,800
Estimated Property Tax (Building) ¥68,892,147
Sale unit Whole Building
Situation N/A
Surface yield 5.06%

Room information

Property information

Building area 835.58 m²
Story Reinforced concrete structure with flat roof, 9 stories
Construction period 1994/03 (31yrs)
Building structure Reinforced Concrete
Total units 40
Parking Yes

Land information

Land area 224.79 m²
Use area Commercial districts
Land rights Ownership
Building coverage ratio 80%
Volume rate 400%
Land notes

Building Standards Act Article 22 Area, Landscape Act

Handling company

Operating company J&F Plaza
Telephone number 0364550360
Email info@jafplaza.com