J&F Plaza 部屋探しのポイント
3.部屋選びのポイント What to remember when looking for a room: |
1.アパートを探す前に Before you start your search | ||||||||||||||||||||
不動産会社に物件を依頼する前に決めておきたいことを記しました。下記の(2)から(8)の説明を参考にしながら、希望条件を整理しておきましょう。 Before you contact a real estate agent, you'll need to think about what type of apartment you want, and what is important to you concerning your living space. Consider the points (2)〜(8) below.
2.どこに(沿線・地域)住みたいか? Do you want to live on a specific train/subway line, or in a specific place? ・・交通の便(Transportation) |
日本では、住宅の所在地は鉄道交通とのアクセスであらわします。最寄り駅とその駅からの時間(通常、徒歩で要する時間又はバスの所要時間とバス停からの徒歩所要時間)で表示します。 In Japan, transportation access is discussed in terms of proximity to local train stations. In other words, if you ask your agent about transportation access, they will most likely tell you exactly how many minutes it takes to walk to the nearest train or subway station. 例えば「○○駅から徒歩何分」「○○駅からバス○分」「○丸駅からバス、バス停から徒歩○分など」と表示されます。 For example, "X minutes on foot from XX station""X minutes by bus from XX station" "X minutes by bus from XX station and then X minutes on foot" 不動産業界では、一般的に徒歩1分=80メートルとして計算しています。 This can be confusing, but a one minute walk is generally the equivelant of 80 meters, in the real estate world. 東京などの大都市は、人口や企業が集中し、土地が不足しているので、住宅の家賃も大変高く、日本人にとっても家探しは困難です。ですから、学校や職場に近いところにすみたいと思っても、学校や職場が都会にある場合は、手ごろな家賃で部屋を見つけることは、まず、不可能でしょう。 Large cities, like Tokyo, are densely packed with people and companies. This leads to a shortage of land, which leads to tremendously high rental costs for housing. Even Japanese people agree that searching for a house is tough. ですから、便利なところにこだわっていると、なかなか、部屋が決まりません。範囲を広く設定しておいたほうが、希望の条件をみつけやすいでしょう。 If you are stubborn, or set your standards too high, it will be difficult fo find an apartment. It's a good idea to set reasonable standards, especially when it comes to location. |
3.どんな建物に住みたいか? What type of building do you want to
live in? 物件の種類(Type of Housing) |
賃貸借の対象となるものは、木造で低層の集合住宅であるアパート、非木造で中高層の集合住宅であるマンション、独立した1戸の住宅である1戸建て住宅があります。 There are three basic types of housing: (a)Apartment buildings(usually wooden, 1 to 2 floors high, with multiple tenants; (b)"Mansions" (usually several stories, with multiple tenants, not wooden); and (c) Single-household buildings. |
アパートの中には、屋内の廊下に各部屋の入り口が接している貸室式のものと屋外の通路に各部屋の入り口が接している貸家式のものがあります。マンションには、2部屋以上で世帯で住めるファミリータイプと1部屋に設備をコンパクトに集約した単身者用のワンルームタイプがあります。 Apartment buildings come in two types: (a) the room type, in which an indoor corridor leads to the front door of each individual apartment, and (b) the house type, in which an outdoor path leads to the front door of each apartment. Mansions come in two types: (a) the family type, in which there are two or more rooms for a household, and (b) the one-room type, with a single room including all the necessary facilities for one tenant. なお、1F-5Fとは、地上1階から5階のこと、B1は、地下1階のことです。 1F-5F means 'ground floor to fifth floor' (The ground floor is called the first floor in Japan.) B1 means the first basement floor. (B2 would be the second (lower) basement). |
4.いくらまで払えるか What is your budget like?・・家賃(Rent) | ||||||||||||||||||||
まず、支払える家賃の上限を決めましょう。家賃の上限は、あなたの収入の25〜30%に抑えないと、日常生活に影響が出やすいので注意します。アパートの家賃は、地域、建築年数、設備、広さによって異なります。 It's a good idea, at first, to decide the maximum amount of rent you can pay. Ideally you should spend under 25% to 30% of your income on rent. The housing shortage in major cities of Japan is very serious, even for the Japanese. Before you rent an apartment, you must consider how much you can afford for the rent. Rent will vary depending on the area, how new the building is, the facilities available, and the apartment's size. 家賃は月額で表示します。家賃の他に管理費などを支払わなければならない場合もありますので、家賃と管理費等の合計額で希望条件を示した方がよいでしょう。 Rent in Japan is a monthly charge. There are many cases which, in addition to rent, the tenant must pay small managerial fees. (Your budget should include the cost of rent and managerial fees.) また、契約の時に敷金(相場は家賃の1〜3か月分)、礼金(相場は2か月分)、契約報酬などを支払わねばならない場合が多いのですが、これについて多い少ないを希望の条件にすると物件選びが難しくなるので、家賃についての希望だけを提示しましょう。 When signing a lease, the tenant usually must also pay a security deposit (equal to about 1 to 3 months' rent), "key money"(about 2 months' rent), a commission, and possibly other one-time fees. As it is hard to find housing if you take all these costs into consideration, please indicate only the amount of rent that you wish to pay. 契約時に必要な費用はこちらをご覧下さい。 Click here for more information about additonal fees you may encounter when signing a contract. 駅からの距離は、近ければ近いほど高く、駅からバスを使うところはかなり安くなります。風呂はないほうが2.3万円安いのが普通です。また、マンションでは、1階は日当たりが悪かったり、安全ではなかったりするので、安いことが多く、2階以上は少し高くなります。 The nearer to a station the apartment is, the more expensive it will be. Apartments that are only accessable by bus will be much less pricey. Rooms without shower facilities will be cheaper by \20,000 〜 \30,000. As for mansions, ground floor apartments tend to be less expensive, since they are generally considered unsafe, and because they don't get good sunlight. 日本の賃貸住宅には通常、家具がついていないので、自分で購入しなければなりません。光熱費(ガス、水道、電気等の料金)についてもあなたの国よりかなり高いことを考慮してください。 In Japan, rooms are normally unfurnished, so you will have to provide everything for yourself. It's also important to remember to consider the cost of utilities (gas, water, electricity, etc.) which may be substantially higher than the cost in your home country. 例) 寝具一式(ふとん上下、マットレス、毛布、シーツ、まくら)20,000円位 For example... consider that you will have to provide your own bedding. This would most likely include a top and bottom futon, a blanket, sheets, and a pillow, which would cost you about 20,000 yen. |
5.築年数は?How old a building would you like to live in, or would you mind living in? | ||||||||||||||||||||
古い家ほど安く、同じ間取りでも古い家の方が広いことが多いのが、一般的です。また、築10年以上の場合は、賃料が比較的安くなります。 Usually, the older the building is, the cheaper and larger it's rooms are. A building that has been around ten years or more will be considerably less expensive. |
6.どんなタイプの部屋に住みたいか? What type of room do you want to live in? (floor plan) | ||||||||||||||||||||
間取りは、独立の部屋の数と台所又は台所と食堂・居間の兼用部屋の数で表します。例えば、3LDKとは、独立の部屋3室と居間・食堂・台所の兼用部屋1室のことです。アルファベットによる略称は、他にDK−食堂と台所の兼用室、K−台所があります。部屋の広さは畳(帖)を単位に表します。 Information about your apartment's layout will be refered to by numbers representing the number of independent rooms, the presence of a kitchen, kitchen/dining room, or kitchen/dining room/living room. For example, a "3LDK" consists of three rooms plus a single room to be used as a living room(L), dining room(D),and Kitchen(K). Other common abbreviations are "DK" which indicates a combined dining room/kitchen, and "K" indicating a kitchen. 1畳(帖)の面積は多くの場合、1.55平方メートルであり、日本の賃貸住宅は6畳と4.5畳の部屋が主流ですが、DK,LDKのような兼用部屋の広さは多様です。また、部屋の様 式には、床にタタミを敷いた和室と木版を敷いた洋室があります。 1 jo (a japanese unit of measure) in most cases refers to 1.55u. 6-jo and 4.5-jo rooms are very common. LDK and DK rooms may be of various sizes. There are two basic types of rooms: Japanese-style rooms with tatami flooring, and Western-style rooms with wooden floors. (See note about tatami.) |
7.必要とする設備は? What kind of equipment/facilities do you need? | ||||||||||||||||||||
各戸ごとは、トイレの部屋(トイレ又は便所という)がつくか、さもなければ共同のトイレがあります。さらに、日本の貸家には各戸に浴室(風呂またはバスという)がついている場合がありますが、ない場合もあります。普通、共同浴室は見られません。 Individual apartments often have their own toilets. If not, there will be a common toilet, to be shared with other apartments in the building. There are some apartments with private baths, and some with no bathtub at all... but in this case, it's unlikely that you will have a bath shared between several apartments. ワンルーム・マンションなどでは、トイレと風呂が1室に備え付けられた部屋(ユニットバスといい、UBと表します)あるいはバスタブはないがシャワーだけがついている場合もあります。 In one-room mansions, sometimes the bath and toilet will be together in one room(this is called a "unit bath" and is represented by the letters "UB"). Sometimes there is only a shower, and no bathtub.家具や冷房、暖房などの設備がついていない場合は、部屋を借りる人が用意しなければなりません。新しく日本で生活を始めるには、家具を買うお金も必要です。 In most apartments, furniture, air-conditioners, and heaters will not be provided for you. You are expected to provide these yourself, if you need them. You'll need to bring money to buy amenities like furniture before setting up house in Japan. 暖房設備がない場合、どんな暖房器具を使えるのかも確認しておいてください。火災防止のために、ガス、石油ストーブの使用を禁止しているアパートもあります。 Also confirm with the agent if using a heater is allowed in the apartment. To prevent a fire, some apartments do not allow a gas and kerosene stove to be used in the apartment. |
8.近所に必要とするものは? Is there anything specific you want to have in your neighborhood? | ||||||||||||||||||||
住宅の条件だけではなく、周辺の設備もかなり重要です。特に、風呂がついていない住宅の場合は公衆浴場(銭湯ともいいます)が、また、洗濯機を置かない場合は、コイン・ランドリーまでの距離が重要です。そのほか、小さい子供がいる場合は、保育園、学校の場所などを確かめておいたほうが良いでしょう。 | ||||||||||||||||||||
The environment surrounding your apartment is also something to be considered. It is important to have a public bath nearby if you do not have a bath, or to have a coin laundry in the area if you do not have a washing machine. If you have children, it is best to ask ahead of time about nursery schools, kindergartens, or any other applicable schools in the district. | ||||||||||||||||||||
9.部屋の方角は?What direction would you prefer that your room face? | ||||||||||||||||||||
日本では、南向きの部屋(南東向きや南西向けはそれに準じます)が最高とされています。その次に好まれるのは、東向きの部屋です。西向きの部屋はあまり人気がなく、北向きの部屋は敬遠されます。 In Japan, people tend to favor apartments with windows that face South, Southeast, or Southwest. Next in popularity are rooms facing east. Rooms facing West are not very popular, and North-facing rooms are last on the list. |
10.滞在期間はいつまでか?入居はいつからか? How long of a lease do you want? Do you know the specific dates you want to stay? 契約期間(Lease Duration) |
あまりにも滞在期間が短い場合(1年未満)は、部屋を借りるのを拒否される場合があります。また、入居希望日があまりにも先の場合は、不動産会社が受けつけてくれない場合もあります。遅くても契約日から2週間以内に入居できるようにしましょう。 If the term of your stay is too short (under a year), landlords may turn down your application. If your moving date is too far in the future,, real estate agents might not accept your apartment request at all. It's advisable to move in within 2 weeks of finalizing your contract. |
11.保証人は? Do you have a guarantor? | ||||||||||||||||||||
こちらをご覧下さい。 Click here for information about guarantors. |
