J&F Plaza 引越し
6.引越し Moving in |
1.新居での手配 Making arrangements | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
引越し先では、これからの生活に備えて、いろいろな手配・手続きをしなくてはいけません。 Once you move in, there will be lots of red tape to cut your way through:.
2.挨拶 Meeting your neighbors | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
引越し先では、家主の他、近所の家に挨拶をするのが常識です。今後、お付き合いをする上ではじめの印象は、大切です。転居時にはきちんと挨拶をするよう心がけましょう。 When you move in, it is common courtesy to greet your landlord. Especially in Japan, first impressions are very important. |
集合住宅の場合は両隣と上下の家に、一戸建ての場合は自分の家の向う側の家3軒と左右2軒の隣家に挨拶します。昔は、この範囲を「向う三軒両隣」といって、近隣の人々によって組織された互助組合の単位とされていました。 When moving into a new apartment, introduce yourself to your nextdoor neighbors on both sides, and also those above and below you. When moving into a new house, you should introduce yourselves to your neighbors in the three nearest houses to your right, and the three nearest houses to your left. Traditionally, this area (three houses in any direction) was called the Muko Sangen Ryodonar. It was an organized group of neighbors who help each other in various ways. |
挨拶は、なるべく当日中にし、500円から1,000円程度のハガキやタオルなどの実用品やお菓子を持参します。ただ、日本に来たばかりの外国人の方は、あまり手土産にこだわらなくてもよいでしょう。 It's best to introduce yourself to your neighbors on the day you move in. It's nice to bring a small offering or gift, such as postcards, or some sort of candy or sweets. The standard amount spent on this sort of token gift is \500〜\1,000. Although gift giving in this situation is a Japanese tradition, if you fail to do it, your neighbors will probably understand considering you are a foreigner. |
万一のときに、頼りになるのは隣人です。また、今後、生活する上で、思わぬ迷惑をかけてしまうかもしれません。トラブルがあったとき、普段の付き合い方で感じ方も異なります。日頃のき合いを大切にし、良好な関係を保つようにしましょう。 In case of emergency, it is your neighbors that help you most. Having a good relationship with your neighbors is important. If they like you, they are more likely to tolerate whatever you may do.. |
引越しすると、普段、付き合いのある人たちに転居先の住所を通知します。通常、時候の挨拶と転居先の印象などのあいさつ文に、新住所、連絡先を書いたはがきを出します。通知は、なるべく、転居後1ヶ月以内には出すようにしましょう。 It's a good idea to send postcards to friends and relatives letting them know that you have moved, and telling them your new address and phone number. Try to do this sooner than one month after you move. |
簡単な日本語 Some simple Japanese